
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
TGC 086 - On Friendship
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Tuesday Oct 27, 2020
Luther, in the Small and Large Catechisms on the Fourth Petition of the Lord's Prayer, lists "good friends" as necessary for bodily life. But we don't talk much about it. In this episode, Dave Petersen (pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IN, and author of the recurring column "Commentary on the War" in the Gottesdienst Journal) and I discuss the factors that led to this deemphasis on friendship. Petersen looks to Aristotle, Cicero, and C.S. Lewis for aid in exploring this lost gift of God, and then we discuss how it might be restored among us.
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Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
TGC 085 – Using Liturgical Manuals
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
Tuesday Oct 20, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd asks the question why use liturgical manuals, what's available, how to rank them, and how to use them. Mark Braden (Gottesdienst Editor, the author of the recurring column "Taking Pains," and pastor of Zion Lutheran, Detroit, MI) takes us through this important topic.
Become a Patron! Please help the podcast to continue in its second year by becoming a Patron.
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As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.

Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
TGC 084 - The Other Emmaus Disciple
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
Tuesday Oct 13, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd discusses with Fritz Eckardt (Editor-in-Chief of Gottesdienst: The Journal of Lutheran Liturgy and pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran, Kewannee, IL) the his series of articles in the print journal on the topic of the identity of the other Emmaus disciple.
Become a Patron! Please help the podcast to continue in its second year by becoming a Patron.
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As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.

Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
TGC 083 - Let God Be God (2 Cor 4 & 12)
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
Tuesday Oct 06, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd continues its discussion of finding a biblical framework for suffering. Joshua Scheer (pastor of Our Savior Lutheran Church, Cheyenne, WY) joins us for the discussion.
You can subscribe to the Journal here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/subscribe/
You can read the Gottesblog here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/gottesblog/
You can support Gottesdienst here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/make-a-donation/
As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
TGC 082 - Let God Be God (Matthew 18)
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
Tuesday Sep 29, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd continues its discussion of finding a biblical framework for suffering. David Petersen (pastor of Redeemer Lutheran Church, Fort Wayne, IN, and author of the recurring column "Commentary on the War" in the Gottesdienst Journal) joins us for the discussion.
You can subscribe to the Journal here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/subscribe/
You can read the Gottesblog here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/gottesblog/
You can support Gottesdienst here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/make-a-donation/
As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.

Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
TGC 081 - Let God Be God (Luke 21)
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
Tuesday Apr 07, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd continues the discussion on how Christians should understand and respond to suffering and sickness. What is the framework that the Scriptures give us for this? Mike Grieve (pastor of Holy Cross, Golden, IL) walks us through Luke 21:25–36.
Become a Patron! Please help the podcast to continue in its second year by becoming a Patron.
You can subscribe to the Journal here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/subscribe/
You can read the Gottesblog here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/gottesblog/
You can support Gottesdienst here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/make-a-donation/
As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.

Friday Apr 03, 2020
TGC 080 - Let God Be God (Psalm 91)
Friday Apr 03, 2020
Friday Apr 03, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd continues the discussion on how Christians should understand and respond to suffering and sickness. What is the framework that the Scriptures give us for this? Joshua Conradt (pastor of St. Peter, Waterford, WI) walks us through Psalm 91.
Here's a link to the Psalm 91 Challenge mentioned.
Become a Patron! Please help the podcast to continue in its second year by becoming a Patron.
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You can support Gottesdienst here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/make-a-donation/
As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.

Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
TGC 079 - Let God Be God (1 Peter 2)
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
Wednesday Apr 01, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd continues the discussion on how Christians should understand and respond to suffering and sickness. What is the framework that the Scriptures give us for this? Andrew Preus (pastor of St. Paul, MacGregor, and Trinity, Guttenberg, IA) walks us through 1 Peter 2.
Become a Patron! Please help the podcast to continue in its second year by becoming a Patron.
You can subscribe to the Journal here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/subscribe/
You can read the Gottesblog here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/gottesblog/
You can support Gottesdienst here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/make-a-donation/
As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.

Monday Mar 30, 2020
TGC 071 - Let God Be God (1 Peter 1)
Monday Mar 30, 2020
Monday Mar 30, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd continues the discussion on how Christians should understand and respond to suffering and sickness. What is the framework that the Scriptures give us for this? Jack Gilbert (pastor of St. John's, Racine, WI) walks us through 1 Peter 1.
Become a Patron! Please help the podcast to continue in its second year by becoming a Patron.
You can subscribe to the Journal here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/subscribe/
You can read the Gottesblog here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/gottesblog/
You can support Gottesdienst here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/make-a-donation/
As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.

Friday Mar 27, 2020
TGC 077 - Let God Be God (Romans 8)
Friday Mar 27, 2020
Friday Mar 27, 2020
In this Gottescast, The Gottesdienst Crowd continues the discussion on how Christians should understand and respond to suffering and sickness. What is the framework that the Scriptures give us for this? Fritz Eckardt (Editor-in-Chief of Gottesdienst: The Journal of Lutheran Liturgy and pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran, Kewannee, IL) walks us through Romans 8.
Become a Patron! Please help the podcast to continue in its second year by becoming a Patron.
You can subscribe to the Journal here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/subscribe/
You can read the Gottesblog here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/gottesblog/
You can support Gottesdienst here: https://www.gottesdienst.org/make-a-donation/
As always, we, at The Gottesdienst Crowd, would be honored if you would Subscribe, Rate, and Review. Thanks for listening and thanks for your support.